James Stewart

So i just watched an old movie called Mr. Smith Goes To Washington. it was good actually (even though, if you watch it now seems a bit corny in some part) but the movie is pretty sweet.

Anyway, what interest me the most is the leading actor; Mr. James Stewart. After watching this movie, i got to admit that he was a terrific actor!. I mean, his acting was so incredibly (what’s the word) modern?. Pardon me, but it amazes me to see an actor can pull that kind of acting in 1930’s.

Actually, this is not the first James Stewart movie i watched. I watched Its a Wonderful Life, Rope, Rear Window and Vertigo. And he was great in those movies, plus his leading actresses was always seems to be beyond beautiful (Grace Kelly, Jane Arthur, Dona Reed, etc.).

Its always fun to watch old movies, you always get new knowledge of how people do things in the past. In Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, the white house reporters write quotes by hand writing and in another movie called The Naked City, the detectives search information of a (suspected evidence) necklace by asking the whole city jewelry stores and pawn shops, one by one, door to door. i mean that’s got to be exhausting right. I’ve also seen some other movies and start to recognize other actors like Gregory Peck, Cary Grant and Clark Gable. But my favourite is still James Stewart. Its not like because he’s handsome, dreamy or anything. He was different in his time, his acting give me a different sensation like watching a timeless movie.

Anyway i guess James Stewart charming performance makes me want to watch his other movies and seeing other old movies.

(SPOILER ALERT!) Interstellar: Earth, Time Travel and Alien

For the ones that never or plan to watch the movie and hates spoiler (a description of an important plot development in a television show, movie, or book which if previously known may reduce surprise or suspense for a first-time viewer or reader) i suggest you not to read this post…

So my mom and my boyfriend believe in the existance of Alien, even though they both have different perspective about it. My mom believe in God, that He is the most powerful and can create anything He want, my mom describe an alien like ET (extra teresterial) creature in the movie. my boyfriend believe in science, he reads and did some research about aliens, he sees alien as the evolution of human in the future. as for me,  im a practical thinker, i dont believe in alien. i believe that human is the only creature that has the capable of think beyond any creature in the world. But i love movies, im a cinephile, i believe in the imagination that we receive after watching movies.

Recently, me and my boyfriend watch Christopher Nolan latest movie Interstellar, and believe it or not, it still linger until now. i still think about it. The movie sets far in the future when earth is literally dying. Every skyscraper, every engineer, even scientist is useless. farmer is the most important job because the world is on a brink of starvation, human race is threat to extinction and the only thing that matter is to grow food. desperate to save the world, NASA sent some scientist and astronaut for an expedition to find another planet as a new place to start a life for human beings.

Nolan invite some scientist to contribute in this movie, he want to make this movie “make-believe” for the audience and he did it. my i magination was so stimulated by the theory and the possibility of time travel and the dying earth. we knew about global warming, we knew human is not the best keeper for earth, and recently i read an article in  National Geographic magazine about the possibility that the source of food we have right now, might not be enough to feed entire human race. like Malthus theory, “human will continue to breed while the source of food is decreasing”. in Interstellar, the NASA expedition travel to another galaxy through a wormhole. Every planet the NASA entered cost different time, for example when they land in Planet Miller, one hour in Planet Miller cost them 7 years on earth time, but their expedition is about to get exciting when the main character Cooper sacrifice himself to be thrown to the black hole. it said that no human being ever enter the blackhole. in Interstellar, turns out the inside of the black hole is a five dimension world (our world is a three dimension world). In five dimension world, we can see our past and long story short, Cooper save the human race and bring them to start another life in another planet.

in the beginning of the expedition, the scientist in NASA said wormhole is not natural, “someone put it in there” and turns out it was Cooper, he finds the way to time travel. As i said before, human is the only creature that has the capable of think beyond any creature in the world and i imagine what if that time travel do exist?. I know maybe you think im joking, but im not. many of things that start from imagination becomes real, like smart phone. when i was a kid, i use to watch knight rider that can communicate with his friends face to face through a gadget, now we have a dual camera phone. in Back to the Future 2, it has skateboard that can fly, now we have Hoverboard! (and yes, that is Tony Hawk in the picture)

i mean there is nothing impossible now. if you ever heard about John Titor, maybe he is a real time traveler. some of his predictions maybe didnt came true but hey, who knows who can travel in time in the future and fix those things, because it will cause damage in the future. After watch the movie, me and my boyfriend talked about aliens. it is possible that alien is the human being in the future. The human race that evolve and survive in the five dimension world. We become advance more and more in technology, we made wormhole, we can travel inter-galaxy through a wormhole, and we find our way to time travel. and since in five dimension world we beat time. we dont age, we are immortal like jellyfish except if somebody or something kill us.

In a movie Cloud Atlas, Halle Berry is an alien that travel through time and save Tom Hanks and bring him to her planet to start a new life. For some people movie is just movie, its for entertainment. but i dont want to believe that. movie makes me believe something i dont, movies change the way i think about many things. movie taught me things that anyone never taught me. movie lingers in my mind. i know movie is not real, but it takes pieces of reality and theory to make movie.

From Interstellar, now i believe it is possible, that we are not alone. maybe sometime in the future, human will find a way to time travel and travel through galaxy. and in the end, what we so call aliens after all, is an advance human being who pay a “visit” to their ancestors.

Gue Cinta Film, Apalagi Sutradaranya!

“Good movies reminds me that movies are better than having a wet dream” – Joko Anwar, Sutradara, Ex-Kritikus film, Penggemar Film


Gue adalah penggemar film. Gue sangat gemar menonton dan mencintai film. Film pertama favorit gue adalah Parents Trap (1998) yang dimainkan oleh Lindsay Lohan kecil. Gue suka film-film Princess Disney, gue bahkan nonton film Julie Andrews yang cetar membahana saat itu The Sound Of Music dan menonton berulang kali film The Wizard of Oz (1939). Saat gue beranjak dewasa, gue menggemari musik, yep gue dulu adalah anak nongkrong MTV. Pada tahun 2000-an ke belakang musik bebas dari auto-tuned: music is music, you play drums, guitar, bass, piano and you sing. Kejayaan MTV memunculkan industri kreatif baru di bidang musik video. Berkat MTV, jadi banyak bermunculan sutradara video musik. Misalnya, dulu sebelum Rizal Mantovani (Jelangkung), Dimas Jay (Quickie Express), Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich), dan David Fincher (Fight Club) jadi sutradara film, mereka adalah sutradara laris video musik.

Semakin gue beranjak dewasa, disaat inilah gue ngerasa Film Indonesia sudah mulai berwarna dengan kehadiran Joko Anwar, Monty Tiwa dan Mo Brothers yang hingga sekarang masih bisa menyajikan sesuatu yang berbeda dan berkat mereka juga gue jadi suka film gore (film sadis)! Haha. Gue mulai mengeksplor berbagai film yang kurang mainstream, seperti film-film festival/ film-film indie khususnya film-film Perancis dan Jepang. Setelah nonton film-film yang agak nyeleneh itu, gue jadi banyak mikir bahwa sebenernya film itu nggak cuma sekedar menyampaikan pesan, namun segala tetek bengek seperti skenario, bobot dialog dan plot. Ada film yang benar-benar pure seni kayak film Eraser Head karya David Lynch, yang sampe gue botak permanen juga gak bakal ngerti apa sebenernya makna dari film ini, selain itu ada film Mr. Nobody arahan Jaco Van Dormael, film ini adalah film yang bikin gue pusing setengah mati karena plot yang lompat-lompat dari satu dimensi ke dimensi lain, banyaknya tokoh, dan scene-scene yang absurd/ surreal meskipun sinematografinya bagus.

Buat gue sutradara itu bagai pelukis, setiap cerita, plot, senimatografi dan dialog pasti punya ciri khas yang amat sangat berbeda. Misalnya Woody Allen yang neurotic itu pasti selalu menghadirkan tokoh yang depresi karena cinta atau desperate to be in love, Chris Nolan yang selalu menghadirkan ending atau plot yang ngetwist, Quentin Tarantino yang selalu menghadirkan karakter yang seolah-olah muncul dari buku komik dan menggabungkan antara imajenasi, gore dan jokes yang menggelitik, cabulnya film-film Stanley Kubrick, atau James Wan yang bisa meneror penonton dengan hal-hal yang sederhana seperti baby walker atau sekedar tepukan tangan.. hiiiy!. Menurut gue saat lo bisa mewujudkan ide lo secara visual itu nggak gampang, apalagi saat filmnya hanya berisi dialog dengan beberapa tokoh dan bersetting di satu tempat aja seperti film 12 Angry Men, Carnage atau Exam.

Namun, seahli apapun seorang sutradara, filmnya nggak akan jadi apa-apa tanpa aktor-aktor yang tepat, yes, proses casting itu penting banget, karena disinilah tolak ukur apakah film ini bakal diinget atau nggak. Contoh, buat gue kalo bukan Jennifer Lawrence yang jadi Katniss Everdeen, entah apa jadinya itu Hunger Games, mungkin nggak akan beda jauh dengan Twilight yang semakin lama semakin bikin gue eneg, no hard feeling buat fans Twilight ya, gue sebenernya suka banget film pertama Twilight karena Indie dan disutradarai oleh sutradara Indie; Catherine Hardwicke (Thirteen), original soundtracknya buat gue udah bagus, dengan jadi sederhana Twilight itu udah keren, tapi semenjak jadi komersil dan ditambah emang novelnya juga semakin lama malah semakin cupu, ya jadilah begitu. Atau betapa ikoniknya Uma Thurman di Kill Bill, Marlon Brando di The Godfather, Christoph Waltz di Inglourius Basterds, dan lain-lain.

Setelah itu, ada sinematografi (sintog); visualisasi dari sebuah film. Nah disinilah lo bisa melihat preferensi sang sutradara. Karena gue juga suka lukisan, terkadang gue menganalogikan sintog khas sutradara dengan pelukis. Misalnya, kebanyakan film Lars Von Trier (Melancholia) itu indah dan melankolis macam lukisan Claude Monet dan Woody Allen yang mellow nan romantis macam Vincent Van Gogh. Disinilah poin dimana mata lo akan dimanjakan oleh visualisasi film. Meskipun nggak semua visualisasinya indah sih, tergantung pesan yang ingin disampaikan dari film itu sendiri.

Terus ada scoring yaitu musik yang mengiringi adegan tertentu, misalnya nih ada adegan dimana si cowok diputusin pacarnya ditengah hujan deras yang bisanya diiringi dengan musik mellow bin galau dari alunan biola atau piano, inilah scoring. Gue pernah nonton The Bicycle Thief, dari awal film sekitar 20 menit musik sedih yang menyayat hati dimainkan, all the way through agar suasana kemiskinan pasca peperangan dapat dibangun dengan baik.

Sebenernya, menurut gue saat lo ingin menikmati sebuah film, lo mesti memperhatikan beberapa hal supaya lo nggak kecewa karena ekspektasi yang berlebihan. Pertama, jangan sampe kena spoiler (orang yang suka ngebocorin jalan cerita), ini gue nggak suka banget karena gue suka elemen kejutan dari film. Kedua, lo mesti sadar betul film yang akan lo tonton itu bergenre apa, kalo ternyata film action-martial art maka jangan terlalu berharap dengan alur cerita atau dialog berbobot yang ada di dalamnya, banyak orang yang ketipu ngira kalo The Godfather adalah film action, wrong, meskipun itu film tentang mafia dan gangster tapi itu adalah film pure drama. Ketiga, jangan percaya rekomendasi orang lain, selama ini gue suka review film yang terkadang nggak cocok dengan selera orang lain karena untuk sekarang gue lagi suka film non-hollywood, sama kayak IMDB, belum tentu rating yang tinggi berarti film itu bagus buat lo, ada lho beberapa orang yang ngeliat The Shawshank Redemption (rating tertinggi di IMDB) itu ngebosenin banget (dan gue saranin jangan sekali-kali ngejelekin film ini di forum-forum macem ka*kus, percaya deh lo bakal di bully sama film snobs disitu). Keempat, film yang bertaburan aktor-aktor ternama belum tentu film yang bagus; the Big Wedding, Valentines Day, dan beberapa omnibus lainnya. Kelima, pilih dan tonton film-film yang bener-bener menarik buat lo, baca sinopsis/ nonton trailer, tapi jangan kebanyakan baca spoiler atau komen-komen di forum sosial media, nanti malah nggak terasa lagi excitment-nya.

Gue menggemari film karena buat gue film itu menginspirasi. Semakin realistis sebuah film maka semakin ia menyentuh kehidupan penontonnya macam Before Trilogy yang mengcapture relationship antara dua kekasih yang menurut gue sangat sempurna, atau Life is Beautiful yang mengajarkan gue kasih sayang seorang ayah. Well, apapun itu sutradara-sutradara di atas telah mengubah cara gue berfikir dan memberi gue banyak imajenasi, malah dalam beberapa kasus film bisa mengubah seseorang ke arah yang lebih baik.

Udah ah, segitu dulu. Jadi gimana, sutradara itu seksi kan?